This is INFURIATING. Who cares if the Senate Budget Committee numbers aren't exactly correct. It's the IDEA. It's the WAY OF LIVING, DEPENDING on the government. NO INCENTIVE to get off welfare and start supporting themselves. If you read this and you don't get upset or bothered, yes, something is wrong with you.
By Mike Huckabee
Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2011, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average US household below the poverty line received $168 a day in government support. What’s the problem with that much support? Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $25 an hour. And the person who works also has to pay taxes, which drops his pay to $21 an hour. It’s no wonder that welfare is now the biggest part of the budget, more than Social Security or defense. And why would anyone want to get off welfare when working pays $9 an hour less?
For more of the Huckabe Report, visit
For more of the Huckabe Report, visit
1. This is the average, so yes, I know that not everyone is receiving this much assistance.
2. There are those that NEED help. Temporarily. Those on disability.
3. Most of the people I see and hear about on welfare - they don't NEED the amount of money that the government is giving to them. You can survive with meat, starches, dairy, vegetables & fruit (get on WIC if you need it - least that is LIMITED like it should be) on your grocery list and not spend NEAR what these people are receiving each month. With the limits of assistance that government is giving - they are ENCOURAGING people to stay on it.
BUT WHY WORK when you don't need to?? Why is my husband out there literally killing himself working two jobs to support his family? A structured family. Time away from his boys, his wife - people WHO HE WANTS TO SPEND TIME WITH. Oh, that's right. So he can be taxed more out of the earnings he has EARNED and that tax money can support those DOING NOTHING for themselves. (I so want to use harsher verbiage but I'll refrain. Maybe.) Why doesn't he just quit working? Get on every assistance government program that everyone else is on that's too lazy to make a honest living. That way, he can sleep 6 hours a night instead of 3-4. That way, he can make more memories with his family - people that he's responsible for. That way, he might not work himself to death and have more days on this earth to milk the government for everything they're worth (more like, not worth). That way, we can eat better, wear better clothes, not have to worry about housing, get government grants for his education. Yeah, it actually sounds like my husband, the working man, the honest tax-paying citizen, is getting the worse end of the deal. Hmmm. Wonder how long it will be before most people figure this out and make the switch. When that 47% of welfare recipients becomes 60% or 80%. The more people that get on welfare, the less tax money the government has to support this mess. Hmmm. What happens, then??
What's so hard about making some stipulations on welfare - since part of OUR tax dollars are paying for it, why can't we have some say in it???? If the senators hear enough about how TIRED we are of this, maybe things will change. WRITE or CALL your senator.
1. Drug testing for welfare recipients. If they fail a drug testing once or twice, their aid gets cut. If they fail it a 3rd time, they're unable to get aid for the rest of their existence.
2. Cut welfare aid down some. If these so called needy recipients know that there are only going to receive the minimal of what they need to LIVE to SURVIVE, that might just change their perspective on finding a job.
3. Put a cap on a lifetime of aid given by the government.
4. Make welfare as hard to get on as disability is. (And this is just what I've heard - but disability is so hard to get on, when people actually have a reason to need help; whereas, with welfare, apparently it isn't so hard to get on or qualify for help.) There's probably more that could be done, but why not start with just a few changes. It is getting insane, and something needs to be done about it. Join in. I'm writing someone. Somewhere. This week. A New Year's Resolution has been added to the 14 page list. And I missed bidding on Ebay due to reading the Huckabee Report, so this all makes me even madder. I need a punching bag. NOW.
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