Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Bad Day Per Se

Thought it cute today when I went in to get Cole up from his afternoon nap, he had big tears in the corner of each eye.  I tried to cheer him up by telling him about the big party that we were getting ready to go to...he would get to see all of his friends...and get to play in the sprinkler.  Normally, this would do the trick.  But not this time.  He still wasn't smiling.  I asked him what was wrong.  And he just burst out, "Hadda bad day," and started sobbing.  I consoled him.  But I hid my face due to the laughter outburst.

He's 2.  Not much can happen to make a kid that age have a bad day.  Bright and early, he played outside half naked.  I mean, who WOULDN'T have the time of their life doing that.  He went swimming for most of the morning, got to eat his lunch outside, nada spankings (up to that point).  Pretty decent day.

Now, my day.  Let's see.  I'm eating Breyer's Blast "Waffle Cone" straight out of the box.  Digging frantically for the chocolate pieces.  That's gotta tell you something.

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