Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sew Excited To Share This!

Second post in one day.  I am loving this blogging bit.

Those of you who know me know that I do NOT sew.  Well, I didn't USE to. :)  Today, that all changed. And I'm just soo stinkin' excited about it.  Come to think of it...way too excited.  That's ok.  This is my blog.

Now, you pro seamstresses are going to be chuckling and thinking I'm moronic, so you might want to stop reading about

Shall we continue.  I'm in the process of doing a complete makeover on my front porch (another blog soon to follow once it's all complete).  And what better thing to start your sewing career on than a PILLOW?!?!  Right? :)   I know what you're thinking.  Is this girl serious?  Who CAN'T sew a pillow?  Straight lines.  Four of them.  Simple.  Well, I couldn't and now I can.  Oh yah, I'm proud.

Revealing my first attempt at sewing...


I personally L~O~V~E it.  I couldn't stop staring at it after I finished.  I'm aware I'm quite crazy.  :)  I was amazed that I had actually made all of it by myself.  Now, I will say my incredible mother gave me wonderful instruction on what to do and helped out with all of her wisdom.  BUT, I did sew it all by myself.

Would love to hear what you think.  Only if it's encouraging.  :)  I still gotta crank out 4 more of these bad boys!!   Cannot wait to show you the final product!


  1. Wow!! I'm impressed! I can't sew to save my life, I wish I knew how. I looove the fabric! Great job!

  2. Ash!! This is gorgeous!! LOOOOVE the color and design pattern!! Waaay to go girl!! :)

  3. Not everyone can you should be proud of yourself! LOVE that fabric. Dixie B

  4. neato! I think I need to try & make a pillow now...I wonder if the "no sew" iron on glue stuff would work...haha that's my method of "sewing" -- love the fabric!

  5. Love, Love, Love it!! I'm always "envious" of you ladies that are sooooo crafty...not my gift!! ;)

  6. You did fabulous, Girl....Can't wait to see the complete make-over! and welcome to the world of sewing - I've seen some awful cute little boy trouser tutorials out there ;)

  7. Thanks for all the "encouraging" notes!! I love the color combo that I have going on, so I am hoping it will turn out alright!

  8. I'm so excited to see you are finally sewing. YOUR pillow looks AMAZING!! Just think you now have another fabulous reason to go shopping (and save money).... MATERIAL!!!! :)- AH
